Stefano Lorenzi
Stefano Lorenzi is associate professor in Nuclear Engineering at
Politecnico di Milano. He obtained the Ph.D. cum laude in “Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology” at the Politecnico di Milano (2015) with a thesis on the “Improvement of the Control-oriented Modelling of the Gen-IV Lead-cooled Fast Reactor: Development of Reduced Order Methods”. He is lecturer of “Experimental Nuclear Reactor Kinetics” and “Integration of Nuclear and Renewable Energy for
Carbon Neutral Scenarios” courses. His research expertise includes control-oriented simulation of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), control scheme investigation for NPPs, multiphysics analysis of Generation IV reactors as Lead-cooled Fast Reactors and Molten Salt Reactors, nuclear hybrid systems and integration with cogenerative applications. He participated in different European research projects on Lead-cooled
Fast Reactors (LEADER and PASCAL Projects), Molten Salt Reactors (SAMOFAR and SAMOSAFER projects in which he was leader of the Work Package on “Education and Training”), Small Modular Reactors (ELSMOR and TANDEM projects) analysis and development. He is principal investigator for Politecnico di Milano of the SELENE and
RocketRoll projects for the space application of nuclear energy systems and he is coordinator of the ENDURANCE European project on the development of the Molten Salt Reactor technology. He is author of more than 90 international papers.