Johan Driesen
Johan Driesen received the MSc degree in 1996 as Electrical Engineer from the KU Leuven, Belgium. He received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at KU Leuven in 2000. In 2000-2001 he was a visiting researcher in the Imperial College, London, UK. In 2002 he was working at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Currently, he is a full professor at the KU Leuven and teaches power electronics, renewables, drives and electromobility. He conducts research on distributed energy resources, including renewable energy systems, low-voltage DC-systems, power electronics and its applications, for instance in renewable energy, storage and electric vehicles. Johan Driesen was also the programme director of the master programmes in energy at KU Leuven and within the EIT-KIC InnoEnergy, a pan-European consortium supporting education and innovation in sustainable energy, the Education Director for the Benelux area.