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Christer Björkqvist

Christer Björkqvist

Managing Director, Energy & Turbomachinery Network - ETN Global

Christer Björkqvist is the Founder and Managing Director of the Energy & Turbomachinery Network (ETN Global), an international, user-driven association that unites utilities, energy companies, industrial power and heat users, turbomachinery manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and the R&D community. ETN Global’s mission is to facilitate collaboration and information exchange to accelerate the research, development, and demonstration of safe, secure, affordable, and dispatchable carbon-neutral energy solutions.

In his current role, he has successfully initiated and coordinated numerous research projects and established a platform for technology advancement, knowledge sharing, and the development of best practices and standards. Before founding ETN in 2005, Christer Björkqvist served as General Manager of the Association of European Manufacturers of Gas Turbines for five years and holds a degree in International Law and Economics from Lund University, Sweden.


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  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


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  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


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  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


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