Stand: 7.B10
- Italy Pavilion
- Technology Supplier (Hardware)
- Grid Infrastructures - Gas
- Energy Efficiency
- Decarbonisation of Industry
Country Pavilion
Type of Organisation
Organisation Area of Focus
Pollution Analytical Equipment specializes in the development of on-site analytical instruments for volatile compound analysis. We provide innovative solutions for environmental monitoring, process control, and quality control.
Among our innovations stands out an automatic system for the continuous and remote determination of the amount of odorants such as THT (tetrahydrothiophene) or TBM (tert-butyl mercaptan) injected into the distribution network, using a method compliant with the UNI 7133:2019 standard.
Pitch Video
PicoGC is an automatic gas chromatography solution designed for the continuous and remote determination of the odorant levels in fuel gases. The instrument quantifies the level of THT (tetrahydrothiop ...