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Piclo Energy

Stand: 5.L10

Piclo's mission is to decarbonise the grid. We develop software that makes our energy networks smarter, flexible and more sustainable. Our flagship product, Piclo Flex is the leading independent marketplace for energy flexibility services, enabling system operators (such as National Grid ESO, UKPN and a growing number internationally) to source energy flexibility from flexible service providers (e.g. electric vehicles) during times of high demand or low supply. As of 2023, Piclo Flex has 60,000 registered flexible assets and flexibility contracts awarded totalling '60m with 16 GW of flex capacity registered and 2.4 GW+ of flexible capacity procured.

Piclo currently provides flexibility services in six global markets: in the UK, supporting four Distribution System Operators (UK Power Networks, SP Energy Networks, Electricity North West and Northern Powergrid) ; and the Transmission System Operator (TSO) (The ESO); in Ireland (ESB Networks); in Italy (E-Distribuzione), Portugal ( E-REDES), Lithuania ( Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB (ESO)), and in the United States in New York State(National Grid).

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  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


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