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Stand: 5.E62, 5.MR06
NextGen, Dutch Energy Metering System

What will the Dutch energy market look like in 2040 and which requirements will the meters have to meet? The answer of the Dutch grid operators is that the future is hard to predict and that a flexible, modular measuring concept is required. One that continuously adapts to new developments in the energy transition. The NextGen project team is considering the questions of what the functionalities of the measuring concept, that will be introduced from 2025, should be and which design it suits best. The project team is composed of technicians, buyers, privacy and security specialists and IT/OT specialists from Alliander and Stedin.

Netbeheer Nederland is the association of all electricity and gas grid operators in the Netherlands. Dutch grid operators contribute to the transition to a sustainable energy supply. The energy infrastructure is conditional for the realisation of society's sustainable energy ambitions and climate objectives. Netbeheer Nederland promotes the cooperation between the Dutch grid operators and represents their interests with the government, politics and other stakeholders. Netbeheer Nederland consults with government and market parties on how grid operators can contribute to the development and transition to a sustainable energy supply.
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