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Stand: 6.G70, 6.MR04
    Partners & Sponsors
  • Gold Partner
  • Type of Organisation
  • Power Generation Operator and/or Developer
  • Organisation Area of Focus
  • Digitalisation
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Other

Gridspertise is the partner of choice of Distribution System Operators worldwide in accelerating the digital transformation of electricity distribution networks.''

We offer grid intelligent devices, end-to-end cloud-edge platform solutions and services to accelerate the digitalization of electricity distribution grids in three main areas: metering and grid edge digitalization, network infrastructure digitalization, field operation digitalization.''

Our?mission?is to deliver a new era of sustainable and reliable smart grids through innovative, flexible and customer-driven digital solutions that are circular by design.''

Our portfolio is designed as an open ecosystem, easy to integrate with Distribution System Operators' existing infrastructure, combining intelligent grid devices with ready-to-use modular applications, running at central level as well as on the edge.'

Our solutions bring benefits to all actors in the electricity ecosystem:'

  • For Distribution System Operators?They increase service quality, reduce operating costs, optimize investments in new infrastructure, and enhance safety, productivity and sustainability.?'

  • For grid users?They provide a platform to integrate distributed energy resources and facilitate the development of the energy service market.?'

  • For end customers?They increase the reliability of the electricity supply, facilitate electrification, foster energy efficiency and make it easier to become active in energy markets.'

Gridspertise was set-up in 2021 as a carve-out of Enel, the world's leading privately owned distribution grid operator. Since December 2022 we are jointly controlled by Enel and the leading global alternative investment manager?CVC Capital Partners, who support our vision: upgrading grid users' experience through cutting cloud-edge sustainable solutions for the digitalization of electricity distribution networks, accelerating our electric future.

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Partners & Sponsors

Diamond Partner


Host Utility Partner

  • Enlit Europe 2024 Host Utility Partner Enel


Energy Transition Partner


Platinum Partners


AI Partner

  • Enlit Europe AI Partner Microsoft


Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Utility Partners




Innovation Partners


Official Endorsement

  • Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security logo


Industry Partners