Stand: 7.D60
- Czech Pavilion
- Technology Supplier (Hardware)
- Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
- Generation
- Storage
Country Pavilion
Type of Organisation
Organisation Area of Focus
ETD TRANSFORMÁTORY–power transformers and reactors producer, based in Pilsen, Czech Republic. ETD proudly continues the legacy of Škoda company, offers bespoken design, manufacturing and testing. Our solutions range from step-up/step-down transformers, single or three-phase transformers, autotransformers to other custom-made products. All products are tailored to meet the most demanding requirements of our customers for power generation, distribution, traction and other industrial applications.
What will we be doing / showcasing at the event: Our team will be welcoming guests interested in – the power transformers. Whether you want to get to know us or we already know our each other – we are happy to see you and willing to discuss with you any topic related to our product range, possible tailor-made solutions designed for your projects and to answer all your questions. Come meet us, lets´ have a coffee and find a way together to new cooperation possibilities. „Transforming the world for better future. TOGETHER.“
Czech Republic