Maria Laura Trifiletti
Maria Laura Trifiletti is Operational Coordinator of Energy projects management at ZABALA (Brussels Office), and she coordinates a team dealing with several EU projects, clients management and writing proposals under several programmes (namely, Horizon Europe, LIFE, INNOVATION FUNDS, CET, ERASMUS etc.).she worked for 2 years at European Association of Storage of Energy (EASE). Currentlu she is also part of the Secretariat of the BATTERIES EUROPE. She is the coordinator of Air4NRG project managed by CINEA and acted as Coordinator of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET), created by the EC within the SET Plan framework, bringing together a multitude of stakeholders and experts from the energy sector (industries, research centers, universities etc…), and the H2020 BRIDGE Initiative (managed via the EU project INTENSY4EU (ended in Sept 2020) and via the EU Service Contract SPRING funded by CINEA and DG ENER. She contributed and organised the following among others: at the European Association of Storage of Energy (EASE) support to the Energy Storage Global Conference organisation in 2016.