Iñigo Larumbe
My name is Iñigo Larumbe. I work in i-DE Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes (Iberdrola Group) based in Spain.
I studied electronical and management Engineering and a double Executy MBA in the Global Energy Industry.
Nowadays I am Head of AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) architecture in i-DE. This position includes not only Smart Meters but also Data Concentrators and Head End Systems (MDM&HES). It includes the operation and control of every kind of equipment (smart meters, filters and transformers) installed in i-DE network. Maintenance and supervision of meters connected to i-DE from primary substations (C&I) to domestic market. I am also involved in some standarization bodies like DLMS UA, PRIME Alliance, EDSO, CEN-CENELEC, etc.