Birgitte Bak-Jensen
Ms. Birgitte Bak-Jensen is a Professor in Intelligent Control of the Power Distribution System at the Departmen of Energy, AAU Energy, Aalborg University, where she has worked since August 1988. Her fields of interest are mainly related to the operation and control of the distribution network grid including power quality and stability in power systems and taking integration of dispersed generation and smart grid issues like demand response into account. Also the interaction between the electrical grid and the heating and transport sector is a key area of interest. She has participated in 30 national and international projects e.g. the SuPREME, SmartC2net, SMILE projects and are porject leader of the EU H2020 project SERENE and SUSTENANCE. She is also project leader for several Danish research projects such as the just finalized SMARTCE2H project and the ongoing EFFORT project. She is author/co-author of more than 250 papers mainly focused in the area of control and operation of the distribution grid. She is the Vice head of AAU Energy in the area of Research and hold several positions in national and international organizations like IEEE and CIGRE. She has supervised several master and Ph.D students in the area of smart grids, and been in the assessment committee for many international Ph.D defences in this area.