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The future of green hydrogen in Italy

23 Oct 2024
Hydrogen and Energy Storage Hub (Hall 7)
Session: Hydrogen Projects & Technologies

The decarbonization objectives need to introduce and deploy new hydrogen technologies and end uses, to cover specific “hard to abate” industrial processes and long distance transportation. The most important sectors, in an Italian perspective, are steel, ceramics, glass, (bio) refineries, and, for the transport sector, long distance goods delivery, aviation and ships.

 Today, “grey hydrogen” uses are described and quantified, and the ongoing “green hydrogen” projects are reported. The geography and main features of these projects (so called hydrogen valleys) are reported. Hydrogen production costs range from 6 to 10 Euros/kg. An estimation of renewable hydrogen projected costs over the next two or three decades has been performed, showing a potential production cost in the range 1 to 2 Euros/kg, thanks to electrolyzer CAPEX optimization and very cheap electricity from renewables.

In the long term, zero emission Italian scenario, we estimate that about 10 to 12 % of final energy use will be covered by renewable hydrogen and related “e-fuels”.

Luigi Mazzocchi, Director power generation technologies - RSE Spa

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